Visual and Written Communication on the Web:

I offer hand-coded sites and customized CMS solutions to realize your vision and hone your distinctive Web presence. Let's build a site with your unique palette of colors and images, elegant typography, and user-friendly site architecture that will visually and conceptually present your creative work, company, and/or product.

The emerging centrality of visual literacy demands that stellar copywriting and editing be presented with captivating visual elegance and appeal. I specialize in integrating well-crafted, carefully edited words with striking visual images for a compelling and accessible presentation.

I seek to work with clients and/or design teams who share my commitment to excellence, accuracy, and aesthetic appeal in communication. As a web designer I embrace the expanding reach and importance of visual literacy by striving to conceptually integrate the written word and the visual image in new and evermore effective ways on the Web.

For more information please see About Me, Barbara L. Taylor.


Responsive Landing Page
Fixed Layout w/Media
Flexible Prototype for Small Business
Responsive Prototype for Small Business
Fun with Animation
Web Apps with Javascript
Responsive Prototype for Activism
Responsive Portfolio Page
Responsive Portfolio Page

About fidLnFree Web Design

Producing a great website is a team effort. At fidLnFree Web Design client-centered design and development means that I team up with you to transform your vision and goals into a distinctive, beautiful, and effective online presence. From your concept and wishlist to broad-brush conceptual design through an interactive production process to your fully realized live site, I deliver consistent and timely service for a fair price.

How we get from here to a great site:

Many decisions go into producing a great website. Some are big and some are seemingly trivial, but when your site goes live the quality of your users' experiences - and thus the success of your online presence - will be shaped by all the choices you and I make. Here are some decisions I can help you make and design options I offer:

Site Planning:

Site Production:

Working Site:

Site type:

  • Define and fine-tune site vision and purpose.
  • Hand-coded, static site or Content Management System?
  • Content Management System: Out-of-the-box WordPress (or other CMS) site or Customized Theme?
  • A site based on a framework such as Bootstrap?

Site Architecture

  • Single page or multiple pages?
  • Accessible and transparent site map
  • Components: Online store, blog, gallery, portfolio, audio or video, social media, etc.

Visual Elements:

  • Typography
  • Color Palette
  • Images and Graphics
  • Logo/Branding
  • Layout
  • Animation and Interactivity

Textual Elements:

  • As an accomplished wordsmth I can help you hone your message.
  • As an eagle-eyed editor I will ensure that your site is free of the typos and grammatical errors that litter the Web.
  • As a creative technical communicator I will present your vision through an optimal integration of words, images, and user interface.


  • Plugins and Widgets
  • eCommerce

For an existing website:

  • Migrate existing site to WordPress
  • Convert existing Site to Responsive

Once your site is built:

  • Ongoing maintenance and updating
  • Support for client-maintained site

Contact Me